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Adath Shalom

Ottawa Resources

Jewish and Israel Resources


Next Shabbaton: Rabbi Shimshon Hamerman - May 12, 2018.

Dvar Torah: Why does the Bible include two sets of the Ten Commandments? What was wrong with the first set? Is one better than the other?

Shimshon will lead the Shacharit and Musaf services and teach new melodies for:

After the kiddush/lunch, we will discuss the meaning behind two famous Israeli songs to gain some insight into the author's intent and controversies surrounding each one.

Past Shabbatons

May 20, 2017: Shabbaton (tentative): D'var Torah on Behar Lecture on "Biblical Magic" with Shawna Dolansky

June 24, 2017: Study Session (tentative):Biblical Archaeology

April 8, 2017 Rabbi Ariel Goldberg - How do I grow toward being my best self?

(Link to Shawna Dolansky's online handouts and reading suggestions)

Feb 4, 2017: Study Session: Monotheism in the Tanakh

Oct 29, 2016: D'var Torah on Bereshit Lecture on "The Fall of Eve"

D'var Torah on Bereishit, followed by Lecture on "The Fall of Eve".

August 6, 2016 During services Shawna will give a dvar on the parasha of the week. After kiddush Shawna will introduce us to a close look at the book of Ruth as we explore what "dating Ruth" meant for Boaz; the what, why, and how of their rather unusual courtship and marriage.